Belly & Wings, Just The BBQ Thing

It's happening, people. We're getting a fairly decent Summer. 

Even though it's a bit more overcast today, the weather *touch wood* has been pretty decent this Summer, and we're only in July. There are definitely more sunshine days ahead. 

So the other day, in a fit of carnivore cravings and pleasant heat, I picked up some pork belly and chicken wings to test of perfect nibbles recipes for the next BBQ. 


The great thing about cooking with both of these ingredients is that they require minimal effort to create something lip-smackingly good and people always love them. The secret to getting the most out of them is the crisp factor.

Due to the large amount of fat in both, it's important that it's given enough heat for long enough to crisp and sizzle. Nobody likes globules of fat in their mouth. For both the wings and belly, I simply put both in seperate dishes and popped them both in the oven, with nothing more than a sprinkling of sea salt.

When they were both cooked, I removed the wings and allowed to cool slightly as I put the strips of pork belly under a hot grill, cooking for a further two minutes on each side in order to really crisp up the fat.

Then, the wings were coated in different sauces (see recipe below) and the belly cut into chunks and threaded onto skewers with slices of crisp, fresh apple. All that was missing was a glass of cold Sauvignon Blanc. Hello, Summer.



Preheat oven to 200 degrees celsius

600g chicken wings
Sprinkle of sea salt
Helmanns Garlic & Herb Mayo
Thousand Island Dressing
Smoked Paprika
Celery stalks to serve

- Sprinkle salt over chicken and cook uncovered for 40 minutes until juices run clear and skin is brown and crispy. Allow to cool slightly.
-Separate into two bowls and squeeze mayo over one bowl generously. Using a tongs, toss the wings to coat.
- Repeat this process on the other wings using Thousand Island dressing. Finish with a dusting of smoked paprika.
- Serve in dishes with washed celery stalks.


Preheat oven to 200 degrees celsius 
600g of sliced pork belly
Sprinkle of sea salt
Fresh sage, chopped
Green, crisp apples
Wooden skeweres to serve

- Sprinkle salt and chopped sage over pork and cook in oven uncovered for 40 minutes. Remove and transfer to under a hot grill. Cook for two minutes on each side until all fat is brown and crispy.
- Allow to rest and then slice into chunks. Chop an apple into similar sized pieces. Thread both onto wooden skewers, alternating pork and apple pieces.
-Best served immediately.


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