Sporki Macaroni: Plan Your Monday Dinner NOW

What the heck is sporki I may hear you asking yourself? Well, the direct translation is dirty, apparently. At least according to Rick Stein who's recipe this is (check out my post about cookbooks here)

The dirty bit comes from the idea that the ragu type beef sauce that coats the pasta and "dirties" it. The quality of your stock and wine makes a world of difference here. Make sure that it's rich and full; you'll be paid back when you sit down with a bowl of this in front of you on a cold night. 

Although it doesn't need it, you could happily grate some parmesan on top and mix it throughout with the freshly chopped parsley for some OTT indulgence.


400g lean beef
30ml of olive oil
3 small red onions, diced
3 small carrots, diced
2 tbsb of tomato paste
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
300ml chicken stock
300ml red wine
600g pasta
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon*

*feel free to omit, I did

- Heat the olive oil in a large pan over high heat and brown the beef in batches. Return all beef to the pan and add onions and carrots.
- Once browned, add salt and pepper and herbs to taste (oregano or sage work quite well) then stir in tomato paste and garlic and fry for a few minutes.
- Add chicken stock and wine, bring to a simmer, cover and allow to cook for one hour.
- 15 minutes before the meat and sauce are done, put your pasta on to boil in salty water and cook until al dente.
- Drain pasta and mix into beef and sauce. Serve in warm bowls with chopped parsley on top.


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